Ted Talk reflection

 1.     What I knew 

Before researching I didn’t know a lot about my topic. The only thing I understood was that college was not the only path to success in life. I had a vague idea on the cons of college like the increasing tuition cost and that degrees aren’t all they set out to be. Other than that, I had very little knowledge remaining regarding the statistics and the data supporting my topic.  

2.     Why I selected this Topic

I selected this topic because I will not be attending college like the rest of my classmates. The reason being is that I found something that I really want to do that doesn’t require a college degree or any education at all. That thing is Youtube and I am very excited about starting. I also dislike school very much. I am aware that college is nothing like High school, but I still don’t want to waste 4 years of my life just for an experience I might have to pay for. Doesn’t really make much sense to me. With this opportunity to have a ted talk in front of class it was a no brained to talk about my topic so people can see my point of view and reasoning. Because many people think that I should still go to college and do Youtube on the side. But my mind is set.

3.     What I learned- Research

The most rewarding part of my research process was finding evidence to support my topic. That is the start to everything, because with nothing to back me up, my claim is irrelevant. The most frustrating part of the research process is not finding enough evidence or even worse finding the better evidence for the counterclaim. It makes you give up on your claim because you are less sure about the correctness of it. I found my material from three websites. One from Forbes, proc on.org and bestcolleges.com. My useful source was from procon.org because it helped my with my three topics for my essay. “In spring 2023, there were over 17 million college students in the United States, and over 43 million borrowers owe a collective $1.75 trillion in total student debt.” With my research I learned the data behind different enrollment rates and tuition costs of different majors. I also learned that “A Mar. 2017 study found that 14% of community college students were homeless and 51% had housing insecurity issues (inability to pay rent or utilities, for example), while 33% experienced food insecurity (lack of access to or ability to pay for “nutritionally adequate and safe foods”), though 58% of the students were employed and 42% received federal Pell Grants.” In class I distracted myself, I did almost all of my work for this my presentation at home. I didn’t help out distract others, I was to myself. I was definitively asleep at the wheel until we got close to the deadline then I went pedal to the metal. 

4.     What I learned- Presentation

Some of my challenges heading into the presentation was using only pictures. It was indeed easier to make a PowerPoint without words and it helped me look at the audience more, but I have to say I wasn’t use to it. I didn’t have any anxiety or anything like that, I was pretty calm I just talked a little fast. I didn’t practice as much as I should of. I set about overcoming my challenges by being calm and just talking. It made me go a little to fast but it was better than messing up over and over. I didn’t watch any other ted talks to help prepare and I didn’t seek out advice. I have a problem with asking for help in general. The presentation did well though. I talked about everything I wanted too and I was content with my performance. I overcame my challenges and am proud of what I did.     

5.     What the audience Learned 

The goal I addressed with my presentation was changing the audience's perspective. Many people think that college is essential to having a successful life, and I think that ignorance is stopping people from broadening their horizon. People limit themselves by going to college when they are not ready, and even worse they put themselves back with all the financial problems with college. I know that my audience are all going to continue their path to college, but I hope I convinced them that other ways are acceptable. My job when I was presentation was just for awareness and nothing else. 

6.     Advice for Future students

My advice for future students about public speaking is practicing. Practicing is key to becoming better at anything and public speaking is no different. When you practice it is easier to stay calm and collected when public speaking because you are performing off of repetition. My most important overall advice for future students is to be consistent. Make sure you practice every day and prepare every day. This is for everything in life, you will notice the differences little by little but you will get better. 


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