
Showing posts from August, 2023

Reading reflection

       My experience in any English class has always been on the mediocre side. Nothing was too bad or too great. English class was always a class that I just had and was able to complete without any problems. Reading is not my strongest suit so I never went above and beyond for English class. Although I can say that for every class, since I’m not that particularly fond of school. But, in the most recent years that I’ve been taking English, I notice that I’m drifting further away from the reading. I used to be a little more interest in reading in the past, but now not so much.     My reading experience hasn’t been the greatest. Even, outside of school I’ve struggle to pick up books. I almost never managed to finished the books I wanted to read. Even now, a few months ago I bought self- improvement books with my own money, but after a couple of days I just stopped reading them. It is even worst with school books. The books that we read in school aren’t reall...